Saturday, December 10, 2011

Info for the Final Exam

Hello Everyone,

Here is an update on your final exam (scheduled Monday December 10 from 1:30 to 4:00)

I have posted the presentations into the 6 thematic areas- water, future, food production, biodiversity, waste disposal, and recreation and ecology.

On the final exam you will be asked to-

1) ask an essay question for each of the 6 thematic area. These questions should prompt a knowledgeable student to make think deeply about the topic, and more importantly, force them to make connections they wouldn't have before.

I realize this assignment might seem a bit vague to some of you. Here are some examples of the types of questions that I would like to see.

a) Imagine that you have been chosen as “Environmental Advisor to the World”. What are the three most important issues that you would like the world to think about and what would you like people to know about those issues?

b) World population just passed 7 billion people and most news outlets "claimed" that the 7 billionth person was born in a developing nation. Why would they make this claim? Discuss how the life conditions facing a child born in a developing country would differ from that of a child born in the developing country.

c) A recent opinion poll noted that 38% of American citizens think that humans are causing global climate change whereas 62% either do not think climate change is happening or do not agree that humans are involved. Discuss the reasons for the disparity of opinions among the American population.

I hope these examples help a bit.

2) answer two of these questions. I will let you know on Monday which questions I want you to answer.

Professorial Pleading- I know that you are all over-achieving Honors students and I am glad that you want to perform well on this exam, BUT please don't spend a lot of time before the exam writing the answers to your questions!! There will be plenty of time for you to answer your questions during the exam period.

Feel free to bring your laptops if you would like to type your essays. If you prefer to write your answers then perhaps it will be easier if you bring your own lined paper (either blue book or free pages will be fine)

If you have any questions please let me know (by email).

Issues Raised in Student Presentations- Recreation and Ecology

Note added Sunday at 12:10PM: This link appears to be active now! Thanks Emily!

Issues Raised in Student Presentations- Biodiversity


Invasive Species

Don't forget about Sarah's invasive squirrels

Cool Insects

Issues Raised in Student Presentations- Waste Disposal


Medical Wastes

Issues Raised in Student Presentations- Food Production


Organic Foods

Issues Raised in Student Presentations- Transportation and Energy in the Future



Fossil Fuels

Solar Power


Issues Raised in Student Presentations- Water